Thursday, October 2, 2008

about first year

firsts year was a busy year
coming to the college as a fresher
was initially afraid of all the seniors
i only new three of them here
one from the second year
one from the third year
and another one from the fourth year
all these seniors were kind and lovely
the first few weeks or rather one month was like a hell

locked up in the hostel as if we were prisoners
wherever we go there would be these securities to accompany us as the facaulty feared we would be ragged by our seniors
but to say the truth these measures dint refrain the seniors from ragging as
they found quite a lot ways to pick us on our way back from the class rooms or rather coming to the class to give us assignments

i remember two seniors coming to the class to give assignments which they ought to submit
they say that they too had to do all these during their first year
should it stand a reason to burden the juniors with their work??
i wondered why the seniors behave like this
but now i can say(being in second year) what pleasure they get in giving the juniors these assignments

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